02年9月12日 公選大統領制と議院内閣制の理想的な組み合わせ方

 このアイデアも、当サイト「首相公選制反対論と代替案」 のページからリンクしてある「首相公選制を考えるホームページ」(首相公選制を批判的に検討している)のサイトの「首相公選制に代わる具体案」のページに掲載していただいているものです。



1. 公選大統領は首相を任免できる。首相が内閣を組織する。

2. 首相の任免以外の大統領の国事行為には、すべて首相の助言と副署を必要とする。

3. いつでも国会が議員の過半数の支持で首相を指名した場合には、大統領はこれを任命しなければならない。この指名は現職の首相よりも優越する。 

4. 大統領は首相を任意に罷免できるが、10日前までに国会に通告しなければならない。国会がその人を首相に再指名したならば、大統領はその任命を拒むことはできない。 

 すなわち、国会に過半数を制する安定した勢力があったならば、議院内閣制になり、大統領は象徴になる。しかし、国会は政府を後任首相の指名なく不信任だけすることはでき ないので、国会が不安定に分立していたならば、大統領が自分のイエスマンを首相に任命してもそのまま通用する。



  This is a device proposal of the political system which synthesize president system and parliamentary cabinet system. There are many nations like France and Russia where directly elected president and parliamentary cabinet co-exist. But in these nations, when majority members of the parliament opposite against the president, there arise often severe conflicts during transformation of real power between the president and the prime minister. If the parliament is stable, parliamentary cabinet is desirable. If the parliament is unstable, it is desirable that the directly elected president gains the real power. The system shown below is a device that these two phases automatically switch to each other.

1. The President shall appoint or remove the Prime Minister as the President chooses, but before 10 days the President must report the plan of removing the Prime Minister to the Parliament. The Prime Minister organizes the Cabinet.

2. Except 1 above, the advice and approval of the Cabinet shall be required for all acts of the President in matters of state, and the Cabinet shall be responsible therefore.

3. If the Parliament designates a candidate of the Prime Minister by the votes of majority of its total membership, the President must appoint the candidate as the Prime Minister. This designation is superior to the incumbent Prime Minister.

  Under this system, if the parliament is unstable and cannot build up major coalition, then the president can arbitrary appoint a yes-man as the prime minister and can exercise a strong leadership. But if the parliament is stable then parliamentary cabinet is organized and the president becomes the symbol automatically. Under this system, proportional representation is desirable for the election system of the parliament, because the fault of the proportional representation (instability of cabinet) is compensated by this president system.


